Teammates. Today's LA Times has an article about
Latasha Byears's "quiet" battle back to the court that reinforces how supportive
DeLisha Milton-Jones and
Nikki Teasley --
Tot's former Sparks teammates and now current Mystics teammates -- have been. According to
Richie Adubato, both were instrumental in convincing the Mystics to bring
Tot in from the cold (or, to be more precise, from Turkey) after her
release by the Sparks in 2003 and her apparent blackballing by the WNBA.
Tot herself is upbeat:
"Everything I went through was worth it to get back to play. I'm a fighter; I ain't just gonna lay down for nobody. And that sends a message to other people who go through similar situations — don't give up. It's ways out here to deal with people. That's why we've got a justice system."
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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