You Are What You Tweet
The cyberspace fad known as Twitter has not escaped the attention of WNBA players, including members of the Mystics, many of whom are spending a little of their free time letting the world know -- in 140 characters -- just what they are thinking or doing. Nor has it escaped the attention of the WNBA or teams (including the Mystics) who encourage fans to tweet about games, players and the league. And so it should come as no surprise that many fans (including one of the BasketCases) follow the Mystics players who are tweeting.
Some of the Mystics' tweets range from the very informative (e.g., letting us know about horrible airport delays en route to the Atlanta game), to the inspirational (Nikki Blue gets the prize there!), to the mildly amusing (e.g., photos of doggie baths or Alana's home-baked carrot cake), to the downright mundane (e.g., that Lang "borrowed" a shopping cart to haul a couple of cartons of bottled water across the street to her apartment).
But sometimes the players' Tweets make us wonder whether the player tweeting actually realizes that what she posts on Twitter can be -- and is -- read by anyone with access to the worldwide web . . . including Mystics fans. For example, in Atlanta on July 3rd, after one of the Mystics' worst losses of the season, a few of the players tweeted that they were having one of their best times ever out on the town with family and friends. Not that fans want the players to be miserable, but after after watching the Mystics lose a game marked by a considerable lack of effort by the team, fans would like to feel that the players at least share some of their disappointment. When the tweets are all about what fun the players are having post-game, some fans find that surprising, not in a good way.
But today's Tweet by "dreamingtree44" (who has been identified as none other than Mystics reserve forward Kristen Mann) absolutely takes the cake. As many of our loyal readers know, today, from 10am-1pm, the Mystics held their annual event for Season Ticketholders. For once, the summer weather cooperated and it promised to be a lovely day at the National Zoo featuring a scavenger hunt and lunch for players and fans.
But one person clearly was not excited about today's activity. Here's what "dreamingtree44" tweeted this morning:
"UGH! Who schedules these damn events!?! Ill be at the effin' zoo w/ sth's all damn day! Today, I hate my job!!"
Whoa! Way to go, dt44. Great job insulting the very fans whose team loyalty provides you with a paycheck! And super job insulting the Mystics' front office whose hardworking staff put a great deal of time and effort into planning such a wonderful event for the fans.
If "dreamingtree44" really is Kristen Mann as we have been informed, a Tweet like this is not only insulting but is also really stupid. With so few WNBA jobs this season, there are plenty of players (Laurie Koehn and Sheryl Swoopes, for example) who would just love to be interacting with fans as a member of a WNBA team. And the BasketCases know people who would love to be season-ticketholders this year, but can't. Why? Because they are out of work. In this economy, they have plenty of company. So, dt44, as a young woman with plenty of opportunities (both on and off the baskeball court) ahead of you, to hear you complain about having a job that OMG requires you to spend several hours on a beautiful day at the zoo . . . well, it's not only insulting, but it's stupid.
Kristen, if "dreamingtree44" really is you, here's a BasketCases tweet right back at you: "Grow up! And btw u owe the STHs & Stics FO staff an apology." (We didn't even need 140 characters to say it!)
Well said! I do hope the Mystics' FO doesn't ban tweeting . . . I find most of their tweets (and their pictures of each other) to be hysterical, and find that it gives me hope that they enjoy each other's company and are all getting along!
Being an original season ticket holder AND at the zoo event today--I had a wonderful time with the team, coaches and the front office. Beautiful day, lots of laughs, great fun. Yet reading dt44's tweet felt like an insult and was a real bummer. I appreciate you taking her to task.
Wow. That's a real shame.
One thing I've appreciated about the STH events is that the majority of the players throw themselves into whatever the activity is. I know that they'd probably rather be anywhere than there, but, hell, isn't that how it is for a lot of people when we go to work? Of the things I've had to do in my working life, going to the zoo to run around on a scavenger hunt would be a welcome reprieve from paperwork and meetings. And for the record - I like my job!
I guess it's a case of immaturity and not knowing how good you've got it. I think you outlined that very well here.
Thanks for taking her to task. I can't believe she speaks for the whole team. I hope her peers take her to task on this one as well. Where does she think her "job" and paycheck come from ... STHs. Immaturity, ignorance, no class. I'll wait for the apology and then see if I can get past this remark. Tweet that, Kristen Mann!
leave the girl alone. have you not forgotten what is was like to be young and foolish. we have all been down the same road one way or the other. i have seen a lot of tweets from these players that I wish I could delete.
If this is really her - because the Twitter site is not secure bolic figures. Just forgive and forget!!!.
I also don't believe that she owes us an apology. I feel that all any player owes is courtesy(sp) and civility and maximum effort when he/she is on the court/field.
They are young and I'm sure there were 1000 other places they would have rather been. As long as she was courteous I wouldn't complain.
The statement was dumb though and she definitely was not thinking (if it really was Mann). I'm beginning to feel that she is getting a little frustrated about not seeing any time on the floor. Let's cut her a little slack.
I was wondering why she hasn't been playing. Wonder if this attitude has something to do with it. Good for you for taking her to task for insulting the fanbase.
While I don't care for Kristen Mann tweet. I for one am not looking for an apology nor do I plan on calling the FO. I've been young and foolish and said dumb thing. I really wish that some of us can let these people be themselves and tweet til their heart's content. Calling the front office complaining about someone tweeting after a game loss saying they was have fun with friends and family is a bit much IMO. I don't like to read some of the girls tweets but, guess what I aint calling their bosses complaining either. Leave them alone and let twitter be what it is, Twitting what's on your mind. I would not be surprise if they start locking us from out of their world via twitter.
Well Nikki aint playing either and she has a great attitude.
Dear Anonymous,
"Calling the front office complaining about someone tweeting..."
Not sure who this is directed at, but the BasketCases have never called the front office to complain about any tweeting.
Not sure who this is directed at, but the BasketCases have never called the front office to complain about any tweeting.
OH REALLY??? could have fooled me
Dear Anonymous,
"OH REALLY??? could have fooled me"
Apparently you were fooled. As we wrote, we have never called the front office to complain about any tweeting.
We certainly hope you are not suggesting that we are lying. That would be the most offensive thing that anyone has posted on our blog.
You are welcome to hold a different opinion than what we express here. But if you question our honesty, then we would suggest you simply stop reading our blog.
My job is to deal with clients and trust me the last thing I want to do is spend any more time with them than I have to . It's a pain in the @$$ and I have to act like I enjoy it when I'd rather be doing just about anything else.
But if I EVER posted anything on my facebook or twitter page to that effect, I'd get fired immediately. No questions asked.
Without clients, I don't get paid. And if I insult or put any of them down, I don't deserve to keep my job. Sounds like someone needs a little attitude adjustment and a strong talking to. I don't think we need a "one strike you're out" policy on Tweeting, but she does need to get a clue.
Looks like that tweet is AWOL this morning, so the feedback has apparently been received and acted upon. Gotta wonder if it was her own decision or whether she was contacted by FO staff.
I don't know if anyone posting was on her scavenger hunt team - if so - any comments on her interaction? I wasn't paying much attention to her, but can say that I don't recall seeing her talk with any fans during the picnic, and she sat at a table with her teammates. In fact, she snagged the seat Chas had been at, so Chas joined us STH and was very pleasant - wanted to know if we'd seen her "commercial" for her bobblehead, and shared some of the last of the great mixed nuts she'd gotten from the caterer. She'd been looking for more, so it was a considerate gesture.
I wasn't on Kristen's team, but I was at the event (best STH event I've ever attended, it was a blast) and I saw Kristen interacting very cordially with fans -- she was charming and friendly and open and smiling.
So even if she didn't like her job that day, she did in fact do it very well.
I'm glad it's been sorted out and encourage everyone to graciously accept her quick apology. I made some dorky mistakes when I was in my early twenties, and I'm just extremely grateful that it wasn't so easy then for the entire world to know about it!
Wow, not smart but I think we have all wanted to complain about our jobs, and sometimes had it come back to bite us. If it was Ms. Mann, I think she learned a valuable lesson. The event was wonderful for me because having that kind of access to the team makes me feel even more connected/invested and likely to keep renewing. It's part of marketing the team. Suck it up for a few hours.
So even if she didn't like her job that day, she did in fact do it very well.
Thanks for that, you sum up what most people I've talked to cared about.
Goooo Mystics!!!
Kristen you rock! keep tweeting
IMO, again IMO way to many brain cells have been waisted on her tweet.... i read it as she had a scheduling issue, not an issue with fans.... also, if the team goes out after a game win or lose and enjoys time with family and friends -- have a great time don't sulk over the loss- you learn and move on!
Just bringing the subject about Kristen's tweeting on this blog was more than enough. It is like a opening or going through the back door to the FO. Just like the Kristen's twitter - this blog is wide open for anyone to see. The lesson goes both ways.
Having said that more attention was given than needed. I agree with a previous blog - now we can get back to work.
Dear Anonymous,
Perhaps you are a new reader of our blog. FYI, we have been blogging about anything and everything related to the Terps and the Mystics for more than 3 years now. No one needs to remind us -- or lecture us -- about the fact that what we post here on the worldwide web is "open for anyone to see." We remind ourselves of that all the time. We take care with what we write, and we think through what we post BEFORE we post it.
Thanks BCs for not only collecting a lot of information from a variety of sources but for giving us a forum to share our opinions. I appreciate your time and thoughtfulness.
where are the pics from the STH event? I look forward to getting your reports when I can't make it to an event.
"where are the pics from the STH event? I look forward to getting your reports when I can't make it to an event."
Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, a medical problem kept us from attending. But we were happy, though not surprised, to hear from readers what a wonderful event it was!
-- BC
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