Saturday, January 19, 2008

Under the Shell.

How often do you get a chance to take a close up look Under the Shell of the Maryland Terrapins? As we all know from watching previous seasons of this weekly behind-the-scenes documentary series, there's no telling what interesting, amusing or amazing things you may learn.

Thanks to 30 minutes on the treadmill (for one of us) and large infusions of coffee (for the other), the BasketCases -- who returned from Charlottesville in the wee hours of the morning -- were both wide awake and watching at 10 AM today when this season's Under the Shell premiered on Comcast. We loved it! When Coach B's husband, Mark Thomas, talked about the team's reaction to his wife's babies-on-board announcement last August, he said he doesn't normally get all teary-eyed . . . but watching him talk about it made us do just that. And the players' individual interviews talking about the future additions to the Terps' family were absolutely wonderful and priceless.

We hope other Maryland fans were lucky enough to catch this morning's program. (If you missed it, it should, at some point, be available on the web -- we'll let you know when it's up.***) But now you have no excuses for missing the next one. Tune in every Saturday at 10 AM to Comcast SportsNet. Watch it . . . record it . . . enjoy it!

***It's Now Available on the Web! That was quick work . . . so even those of you who slept in yesterday can see it. Just click here for the link, go to the "Under the Shell TV Show" thumbnail and there you'll find the first show of the 2008 season (along with an archive of shows from last season). [In the future, if you wish to find it from the Terps official website, look on the right side about mid-way down for rotating images advertising Under the Shell, Fridge TV and the Coach Gary (knocking off #1 UNC . . . way to go, Coach G!!!) Show. When the yellow Under the Shell image appears, click on it and that'll take you there.] Be sure you watch yesterday's program before catching the next one on Comcast, Saturday morning at 10 AM. There will be a test.


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