Red Danube. The Terps' "roadtrip" to Europe is underway. The National Champions began their journey Tuesday at 10 PM and, after a layover in Paris, arrived in Budapest, Hungary, Wednesday around 7 PM local time. The Terps website is doing a terrific job of keeping the fans up to date on all the team's activities, complete with video postcards, photos and daily summaries of what the Terps are doing on their summer vacation.
Speaking of "hungry", the BasketCases loved Wednesday's video postcard where Charmaine Carr tells us that on her first night in Budapest, they got to "eat at Burger King and McDonalds" and that it was "a nice little taste of home" and "had to be one of the best meals I've had in a long time." Excuse us for pointing this out, Charmaine, but you'd left home not even 24 hours earlier!
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Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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