Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Competition! Loyal readers, as you know, the DC BasketCases blog has been a resounding success this year. . . your one-stop shopping for all Mystics news and notes. Well, since imitation is the greatest form of flattery, the BasketCases are flattered to tell you that the Mystics' very own GM, Linda Hargrove, has decided to take a page from the BasketCases' book and give the blogging business a shot. Yes, loyal readers, the BasketCases now have competition! As any great athlete will tell you, there's nothing quite like some intense competition to bring out your A-game. So the BasketCases welcome Linda to the blogging ranks and say Bring It On!

Linda is blogging from Sao Paulo, Brazil where the FIBA Women's World Championship is currently underway. In her first blog, Linda tells us that her curling iron and phone charger don't need a converter and she's been playing charades with Brazilian taxi drivers (Linda, does your husband know?) And, there's plenty more . . . worth a read! The BasketCases think Linda's blog is pretty good --- for a Rookie.


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