Wednesday, May 16, 2007

We're Number 1! The BasketCases blog is now officially one year old. May 11, 2006 was our actual launch-date . . . however, we were enroute to Texas on May 11th of this year, so we were forced to decline the offer of a HUGE party to be thrown by our loyal blog readers (apparently some were planning to fly in from Latvia!) in honor of the auspicious occasion. But we're content with a simple belated Happy Birthday to us!

And while not a birthday party, we will be enjoying a very special event this evening -- one for a very good cause -- the Mystics' Foundation's Strike Childhood Obesity fundraiser. The BasketCases will be attending the reception and then Bowling with the Mystics. Hmmm, kinda makes us want to break into song -- "Bowling with the Mystics, makes you want to smile, bowling with the Mystics, mile after mile . . ."

WARNING: while the BasketCases are enthusiastic bowlers, bowling is not our number one sport. For reasons of personal safety, you may want to keep some distance whenever one of us has a bowling ball in her hands!

Of course, we'll give a full report on Bowling with the Mystics after the event. . .


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